Tax Management Maturity Model (T3M)
In today’s highly volatile tax environment, organisations are under scrutiny on their tax affairs. External and internal stakeholders increasingly demand for more information on tax. How can they meet these new demands? By organising our tax function efficiently around people, processes and data. Easy said, but how do we do that?
To answer this question PwC has developed the global Tax Management Maturity Model (‘T3M’). The T3M methodology and tool leads the organisation in a practical way to a Tax Control Framework (‘TCF’) designed for the needs of the organisation.
T3M is built on six building blocks inspired by COSO, which makes it compatible with OECD standards. T3M makes tangible what before seemed academic theory. Does my tax strategy work? Are we aligned with business? Are we ‘in control’? Can we meet (future) reporting challenges? What role can technology play in data management?
T3M is the standard reporting and communication tool on the maturity of a TCF. Multi-usable for both internal (audit committee, management reports) and external use (tax administrations, external auditors). Please contact us in case you would like to receive more information or demo access.

- End-to-end tax risk management approach
- Inspired by COSO
- Building blocks for your Tax Control Framework (‘TCF’)
- Assess current and desired TCF maturity level
- Takes entire tax function into account
- Multi tax, covering all taxes
- Helps to communicate your TCF to internal and external stakeholders
- Facilitates informative benchmarking with peers
- Supported by PwC’s global network
- Responsive web design, enables use on mobile devices

What we can do

Introduce our methodology and tooling to key stakeholders in the organisation.

Hold a collaborative workshop or range of interviews to populate the model and assess the current and desired state of the Tax Control Framework.

Provide a report summarising the output of the model, including recommendations on how to improve tax management.

We can assist you with further developing your Tax Control Framework and tax operating model towards the desired state.